Cultivate agility and good posture.
Sitting, standing and moving around with more ease
We often use too much effort when we try to be upright.
Especially when standing and sitting.
In fact, we "hold" ourselves up, instead of letting the natural uprightness just happen. We involuntarily interfere with the free interplay of head, neck, and trunk. This, in turn, often leads to more posture-related problems or even pain.
Being upright can be almost effortless, though. If we restore a natural coordination and let the spine and the leg bones do all the work. True balance requires very little muscle strength.
We all had this effortless uprightness as children, we just "unlearned" it over time.
I will show you how to regain this beautiful state of being upright, effortlessly!

Breathe easily and develop a resonant voice.
When I'm not working in Alexander Technique, I'm a ▶professional broadcaster at Bayerischer Rundfunk. I therefore know from practical experience what works and what makes a good and sustainable voice.
Easy, free breathing and good enunciation is the indispensable basis.
But just as important is to be unrestricted in movement, posture and physical presence.
I can also show you ways for more calmness, authenticity and less stage fright when speaking and performing.
Experience how easy your breathing can be and how you can speak confidently with a resonant voice.
Be more at ease and grow personally.
We often act and behave according to the same patterns and habits over and over again.
The Alexander Technique allows you not to respond to these external and internal impulses immediately. Which means you're not reacting habitually and automatically, but are now able to choose a more constructive path.
Specifically, we start with physical patterns in everyday activities – such as sitting, standing and walking, using the computer/phone, playing an instrument etc.
We continue by exploring how we respond to thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
In short, we listen to our whole selves.
Curious about yourself?
Grow personally with the Alexander Technique. Experience personal freedom!

My Offerings
Individual Sessions
Individual sessions are the "classic" and the most effective Alexander Technique format.
Each session will be tailored according to your situation and specific needs and interests.
In an individual session, I'll explain the basics of the Alexander Technique, both theoretically and especially practically, using everyday activities.
Together, we analyze specific movements and activities you're interested in and observe which physical and mental patterns emerge in the process. Based on anatomical-physiological principles, we will explore how you can move more economically and more easily. How you can achieve more overall personal freedom by expanding your range of motion and thinking.
Group Workshops and Lectures
I also teach AT for groups and give workshops, nationally and internationally, on a regular basis.
Anmeldelinks erscheinen hier, sobald Anmeldungen jeweils angenommen werden.
- Let Your Soul Sing | Vocal Coaching & Alexander-Technik Weekend Bayrischzell
16 - 18 Mai 2025 (with Sandrina Sedona)
- Ist das, was ich meine, auch das, was ich sage? | Klar, eindeutig und authentisch kommunizieren | 1-Day Workshop & Single Lessons |
Alexander-Technik Schule Hamburg
24/25 May 2025
►More Info and Booking
- Let Your Soul Sing | Vocal Coaching & Alexander-Technik | Intensive Week Umbria
31 August -7 September 2025 (with Sandrina Sedona)
I'm happy to put together a tailor-made group offering for your individual needs.
Please feel free to contact me without obligation
Online Sessions
One-on-one sessions via Zoom, Skype or Teams. are available at any time, too, of course.
Here especially, you can benefit from the guided application of the ►Alexander Technique Basic Steps.
All you need is a computer, tablet, or a cell phone with a webcam and mic.
I come visit you - wherever it is most convenient for you
The Alexander Technique works best directly in your everyday life and in your familiar environment. That is why we always work at your place.
This can be your home, your workplace, or any other indoor or outdoor location you choose.
Within Munich city limits without any added travel costs.
I'm also happy to work outside the city, on request. Cost depends on time and distance.
Individual Session (approx. 60 minutes)
85 Euros
Trial session to get to know AT, approx. 90 minutes
99 Euros
Payment can be made in cash, by bank transfer or ►per PayPal.
Thank you very much for your guidance
a few years ago.
Your work still supports me every day!
The changes for which I previously fought so hard for and invested a lot of time and effort, without achieving a satisfying result, have come about with ease within a short period of time. For me, this is a miracle!
I am no longer hoarse. My voice has been consistently clear ever since, something I had not achieved before through countless speech therapist sessions.
Thanks again for the great lesson!
It was a real breathing enlightenment!
With Andreas, I learned how to make real contact with myself. It makes me feel much closer to who I really am, my core person. It's as if I'm becoming "more me".
About me
- Alexander Technique experience since 1998. Certified teacher since 2005.
- ▶Newscaster and professional speaker at Bayerischer Rundfunk since 1997.
- From 2009 to 2015 assistant and deputy of the Münchner Ausbildung für Alexander-Technik (M.A.A.T.).
- Regular guest teacher at various Alexander Technique schools and trainings.
- International AT workshops on specific topics, especially on posture and breathing, voice and presenting.
- Co-Direction of the ▶12th International Alexander Technique Congress 2022 in Berlin (with ▶Rossella Buono)
- Alexander Technique sessions in German and in English.
What I find inspiring and exciting
Since 1998, the Alexander Technique has been a steady companion in my life. What's more, as it was on the very first day, I am still excited and fascinated by the fact that the Alexander Technique is a thoroughly practical and pragmatic method. It does not require any extensive theoretical knowledge, is free from ideology, dogma, or even extra exercises. It is a method solely based on experimenting, honest assessments and making (new) experiences.
The most remarkable aspect of the AT is that it can be applied to every activity and every topic at any given moment. And one can directly experience the positive and freeing effects in these specific situations and activities.
Personally, for me, as a radio announcer for the Bavarian Public Radio (BR), the Alexander Technique offers constant support and inspiration for me, so that I can reliably trust my voice, and be present and expressive in front of the microphone.
The technique is also firmly integrated into other situations of my daily life. Be it while working at the computer, doing housework or riding my bicycle, motorcycle or driving in a car.
Last, but certainly not least, it makes me especially happy that human interactions and relationships have improved greatly – I'm in better contact both with myself and with my counterpart. And, as a result, I experience far fewer conflicts and arguments. I'm calmer and get to experience more harmony and joy in my life.
I invite you to explore and learn this wonderful, practical technique with me!

Alexander Technique Basic Steps
Der Alexander-Technik Basisplan©
In collaboration with Maleen Schultka and her ATworkcare initiative I created the Alexander Technique Basic Steps ©
The Alexander Technique Basic Steps© are a set of practical and easy-to-use tools for more ease in everyday life.
They consist of six short modules that can be applied in any situation. For each module, I provide a text description as well as a spoken instruction, which you can even download and take with you.
If you practice the Alexander Technique Basic Steps regularly and consistently, you'll experience less tension, pain, poor posture, and functional limitations.
All activity will become easier, flow more elegantly, and will be more efficient over time.
The AT Basic Steps are available as a web app for your browser, and there is an app for iPhone and Android. At the moment it is only available in German (Alexander-Technik Basisplan), but we are actively working on an English version – stay tuned.